目前分類:球墨鑄鐵 FCD ~ (71)

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牛眼組織. (bull's eye). 眼珠: 球墨 ;  眼白:肥粒鉄(延伸率靠此相提供); 其餘:波來鉄 (關係硬度 強度). Bull's eye structure in an FCD 600 ductile iron. Eye ball: graphite nodule; white: ferrite; dark color area: pearlite.

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  • May 26 Tue 2009 07:53
  • ADI

1020 C x 30 min --> 180 C x 30 min.  L.B. formed during this 30 min,  M form after it was taken out of saltbath and. 

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這是用廢矽鋼片 生產的 FCD,  史帝田鐵 這麼多, 延伸率不會超過2%. 史帝田鉄的尖角 是延伸率低劣的主因.  Steadite is a toughness killer in FCD ductile iron. Its pointed spikes are stress riser and therefore it greatly reduces toughness of ductile iron. How to reduce the amount of steadite? ----Just keep Phosphorus as low as you can and you will avoid this problem.

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這是一個神奇的組織--- 高韌性+高耐磨性+高吸震能 ---卻很少有人會應用. 做刀把材料應該很好用. A wonderful, marvelous material microstructure---high toughness + high wear resistance + damping capacity.  吳老師有輔導太平一家熱處理廠做此種熱處理 有需要ADI熱處理者可與我連絡: 0935 377 585

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第一次做球鉄, 請我在旁指導.

球化後 鉄水內 Mg 吸收率雖然足夠了, 但每一分鐘都在退化, 需在10分鐘內澆注完畢.

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