100x;200x at 12x8 cm 生產FCD 鑄鐵時, 如 合金元素%高, 又 遇到凝固冷速慢 (鑄件厚肉+鐵水太高溫), 會使合金元素有充分的時間聚集而造成內部白口, 對只加工表面無影響, 需鑽孔者就頭大了. 避免生此物的方法就是不要給合金元素有時間集結到出問題的濃度: 厚件澆鑄溫度要低一點
Too much alloy element, and/or too slow a solidification rate will encourage formation of carbide in the last freeze areas-----usually center of a thick section. Solution: lower pouring temp will help reduce risk of this internal carbide.