A: wrong position of TL. B: Correct position ( Should be應為 FC270 rather than而非 FC301).  C: slope of  cooling curve before TL is very steep. D: slope of cooling curve after TL is  much gentler than C. From the slope of cooling curve, you should be able to tell which stage of solidification a curve segment represents. 從曲線斜率 要能夠判斷凝固進行是到C, D哪個階段  才算師傅. 有時電腦會研判錯誤, 抓錯初晶或共晶點, 此時人為判定需介入. Human judgement should get in when computer fails to determine TL, TE  correctly.

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真空爐淬火, 硬度沒問題, 韌性卻大都不行. 模具越有重量者, 韌性越差 ,  為什麼?

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Cracked after chrome plating ---->  hydrogen + residual stress +grainboundary carbide.

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