A: wrong position of TL. B: Correct position ( Should be應為 FC270 rather than而非 FC301). C: slope of cooling curve before TL is very steep. D: slope of cooling curve after TL is much gentler than C. From the slope of cooling curve, you should be able to tell which stage of solidification a curve segment represents. 從曲線斜率 要能夠判斷凝固進行是到C, D哪個階段 才算師傅. 有時電腦會研判錯誤, 抓錯初晶或共晶點, 此時人為判定需介入. Human judgement should get in when computer fails to determine TL, TE correctly.
初晶溫度TL 1250, 1200, 1150 所對應的材質分別為 FC350, 250, 150. 有時候TL沒被抓到時 可以人為研判 Corresponding FC No. for TL 1250, 1200, 1150 are FC350, 250, and 150.
下: 高材質時, Tmax 要高於TL, 才不會發生此"圓頂"最高溫. 最高溫需尖頂. Below: Iron melt with high FC no. should be poured at high temp. That is, Tmax should be higher than TL, or, it will not be a successful test.
below: If Tmax in cup is way too low, Tellurium in the cup could not be dissolved into the melt, and the sample iron melt will solidify "grey"---- producing a hump on the cooling curve, which is no good for the calculation of Si% . 下: 杯內溫度太低, TL未出現. 也造成碲葯熔解不足, 生灰口共晶, 無法計算Si. 另外,鐵水倒入杯內速度要先(60%)快後(40%)慢. 一開始就慢 碲葯蒸汽未能通過鐵水 被吸收的量太少 無法生白口. Pouring speed of sample iron melt into cup should be fast at first 60% and slow afterward. Too slow, you do get enought Te into melt.
下: Tmax勉強夠高, 所以TL還可抓到. Tmax再低一點點, 就會變成圓頂, TL就抓不到 .
共晶凝固前半段有一點白共晶, 後來轉變成灰共晶. Eutectic freezing: a bit of white freezing at first, then turned to grey freezing, hence the curve climbed uphill.