用在工具機主軸, 一個萬把塊錢, 光是空轉6小時就 聲響大噪!
下: 滾珠軌道以~30度側光照射, 軌道面不反射, 故呈黑色. 亮點是剝落後凹穴的反射光. 整個軌道面發現佈滿了許多這種掉屑後留下的坑坑疤疤. 這是產生噪音的來源.
Oblique light (~30。) projects on the raceway. Bright spots are reflection from spalled areas. A great number of spalled areas are found on raceway of the bearing. Spalling / flaking is the cause of the loud noise after 6 hours of run-in test.
上: 暗視場照明; 下: 明視場照明下的軌道面. above: dark field illumination. below: bright field illumination.