1. This catalog was printed 15 years ago when DOS system prevailed. So the hard drive mentioned in it is only 1.5 GB. For the present, hard drive of 80 MB minimum is used in the CE_Computer.
2. You probably do not believe that we sold a few units to U.K. and U.K. customers are satisfied with our CE_Meters. See the following fax from my U.K. agent.
你一定不太相信 吳老師的CE_Meter還賣到英國去. 我賣這家公司的鉄水測溫計. 他們也做CE_Meter. 不過是電子數字式的(digital type). 客戶一定要電腦式的時 他就只好拿我的賣.
3. CE_Meter is an instrument that records cooling curve of a sample cup of cast iron melt, detects 2 freezing points ( Liquidus and eutectic temperatures, TL and TE), and shows the aproximate C%, Si% and Tensile strengh of the iron. It is a must-have in cast iron foundries.