CE_Meter 測定值主要來自杯子內感溫線的精度與穩定度, 感溫線精度公差是+/- 4C. 一批線用完大約一年. 下一批來的線 與這一批 精度通常會有變動. 碳矽因此會有變動. 此時 可由 8. 系統設定 內的 碳補正 矽補正 輸入補正值. 假設 分光 C = 3.60%, CE電腦 C = 3.40, 則在 碳補欄輸入0.20 即可. 假設 分光 C = 3.60%, CE電腦 C = 3.80, 則在 碳補欄輸入 - 0.20 即可. 矽 步驟相同.
C%, Si% reported by CE_Computer are calculated with empirical formulii using TL and TE, i.e. Temp of Liquidus freezing and Eutectic freezing which are obtained from the cooling curve. Precision of sensor wires vary from batch to batch, with a tolerance of +/- 4C. To correct errors caused by different batch of sensor wires, you should input the differences between spetrometer and CE_Meter (cast iron melt analyzer)at places indicated below.
If spectro C = 3.60% and CE_Computer C = 3.40%, CE_Meter C% is 0.20 lower than spectro C%, you input 0.20 in the C ofst cell shown below. Calculated C% will add this 0.20 and then display the result on the screen.
On the other hand, if CE_Meter C is 3.80%, that is, higher than spectro by 0.20%, input - 0.20 in C ofse cell will do the job. Calculated C% will add this - 0.20 and then display on the screen.
Same steps for Si%.
below: C Ofst : Carbon Offset; Si Ofst: Si% Offset.