C.E.=Carbon Equivalent 碳(的相)當量 相當於有這麼多的碳 也可譯為 等效碳含量
C. E.= C + (1/3)*Si Si 促進灰口凝固的影響力 只有C的三分之一, 全折算成C的影響力 --> C.E.
This equation shows Si has the similar power of promoting graphite formation as C does. But its influence is only 1/3 of that of carbon. CE value is an important index of gray iron. Too high ----> too many graphite flakes and too little pearlite in matrix ---> too low in tensile strength and hardness (~ wear resistance) Too low ---> produces white iron and causes machining difficulty.
C.E.值為鑄鐵灰口化傾向或強度硬度之重要指標. 太高, 石墨多, 強度不足. 太低, 生白口, 不易加工.