Occasional Rugged cooling rate curve is a sign of poor contact of cup. Test results should be discarded because FC number is way too low. Pour another cup right away.
上: 電路板老化或故障時, 抓取溫度不穩定, 速率曲線歪七扭八,每一次測都一樣, 但共晶溫度(TE)位置正常. Above: Reoccuring rugged cooling rate curve with normal TE is a sign of faulty boards. Below: Occasional rugged rate curve and abrupt drop of TE is caused by poor contact of cup to connector. 下: 杯子接觸不良, 速率曲線也是歪七扭八, 但偶爾才發生一次, 發生時整條曲線會"下沉"20~30 C. Si 突然因而大增.
Below: Previous cooling curve is normal and gives a result of FC 280, Si% of 1.64. This abrupt drop of FC is a faulty test result that can be confirmed by rugged cooling rate curve pointed by arrow.