


Above:   Tech consultant from AutoMax, U.S.A.


上: 電子顯微鏡 SEM;   下:白內障手術--- 換了修正1400度近視的人工水晶体, 沒近視了, 但變老花眼了.




上: 白內障手術 11-14-2008



國際製造科技展   吳老師 in 支加哥 2008 9 10~9 15


大鬍子+大肚子的 Robert Bedford. 小我2歲.  旅社遇到.  搭他便車到展覽會場. Met this guy at hotel. He gave us a ride to the exhibition hall and we bought him a dinner in return.


下: 美國汽車零件買家派來考核的"技術頭". Tech survey by these top-brasses.

MZ Brn  




楓紅  留美時所照 Maple tree,  shot in '86.


在美國讀書時  大學旁的小教堂 A chaple in the neighborhood of the university I graduated from.


下: 上小一留影. Me as a new first-grader & my little brother.



小學一年級結束時(1960)老師帶班上前五名同學到照相館照相留念. . 在那匱乏的年代, 照相可是個奢侈. Me as a first-grader in 1960. Top five students in the class got the privilege to have this photo taken with our teacher. In those early years of poverty, it was a luxury to have a  photo taken.



  任職 德資 保勝光學(大立光老闆之所出),   左: Adingo 工程部經理; 技術副總; 財務副總   Worked as


process planning engineer at Bauer Optical Co., a German invested company in Taichung.




 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡     研二  Me, as a graduate student,  in front of an SEM. 


當年, 這一套SEM要2000萬. 現在只要600萬---又更好用.



avove: a trip to Osaka.  below: 芬蘭 首都 赫爾辛基 西貝流士 紀念公園


德國 杜塞道夫  鑄造 熱處理 展 





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