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有人訂貨要FCD 450, 又要能高週波淬火. 這是錯誤的要求. FCD 450 波來鉄<20%, 高週波是無法淬硬的. 波來鉄要>80%才好淬硬.


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JIS S55C; Darn lousy Q/T microstructure. Mostly fine Pearlite rather than T.M. required by Q/T. Insufficient Austenization time (leads to) tiny grain size poor hardenability fine Pearlite. Also, oil-quenching was a wrong choice. This AISI 1055 should have been quenched using water-based quenchant to obtained enough amount of  Martensite with ease. Quenching severity of oil is not good enough for 1055 to harden successfully.

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Martensite with very high carbon content.


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過熱或時間太長, 晶粒會長得太粗大, 韌性就劣化.   Repost from "Material Science and Technology"

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 1513Cr Steel with very fine grains.  Photo A: Q/T. Tempered Martensite. Photo B and C: Martensite islands in Ferrite matrix obtained by induction heating to subcritical region(between A3 and A1) and air cooled.


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照片 1 ~ 4, 7 : 暗視野照明. 發亮光奌為球粒碳化物. Photo 1 ~ 4, 7, dark field . Shining particles are spheroidized carbides---a must-have for good forgeability. 這是為冷鍛工作所做的"前置"處理. 波來鉄不做球粒化, 冷鍛時易生裂紋---micro & macro.

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Read from photo A to phote K.


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SNCM 440,  N2 quenched in a vacuum furnace.

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S45c = AISI 1045 正常組織

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碳素%超低 < 0.08%, 故幾乎全部是 肥粒鉄. 紅箭頭所指為晶界上的碳化物. Extra-low carbon steel sheet for forming. Microstructure is mostly Ferritic with traces of Carbide particles---arrowed.

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肉眼看來, 表面仍維持光亮, 但在顯微鏡下 出現此浮凸圖案. (相變化引起)   (SNCM 440)

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