用在工具機主軸, 一個萬把塊錢, 光是空轉6小時就 聲響大噪!

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小貨車板簧. 疲勞壽命不夠, 做破損原因分析. Leaf spring. Submitted to LeoMet for failure analysis because of a premature failure.


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所謂調質, 並不只是硬度的調整, 而主要是把波來鐵內的層片狀的碳化物轉變成微粒狀的碳化物. 這樣可得到很高的韌性. 也同時為高週波硬化, 做事前的準備工作. 高週波加熱時間非常短暫(幾秒而以), 無法自波來鉄狀態 將碳元素均勻的分佈到基地上. 所以需利用調質作業,事先將碳化物 "打散", 佈滿整個基地 . 調質是先淬火成 (>95%的)麻田散鉄, 然後利用高溫回火(>500C), 均勻地析出碳化物微粒. (硬度 HRC 20~40 都有人訂定). 

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S45C,  經熱處理硬化, 鍍鉻, 兩片铆接在一起. 氫脆化問題? 測試比較電鍍前後強度 即可判定是不是這個問題


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疲勞破斷面 欣賞

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Retained Austenite. A foe or a friend?

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Compound layer of iron nitride can be considered as a ceramic layer. It is very wear resistant.(HRC > 62~72, depending on alloying elements included.) This layer prevents metal-to-metal contact and therefore prevents adhesive wear from happening. This white compound layer is also very corrosion resistant, esp. a post-nitriding oxidation is added that turns the color of workpiece into shining black. VW is using nitrocarburizing process on their ball studs, you guys can also give it a try to replace the EVERLUBE coating.

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