Compound layer of iron nitride can be considered as a ceramic layer. It is very wear resistant.(HRC > 62~72, depending on alloying elements included.) This layer prevents metal-to-metal contact and therefore prevents adhesive wear from happening. This white compound layer is also very corrosion resistant, esp. a post-nitriding oxidation is added that turns the color of workpiece into shining black. VW is using nitrocarburizing process on their ball studs, you guys can also give it a try to replace the EVERLUBE coating.

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直徑 60 mm, 鑄件肉厚6~7 mm. 成品厚4.5mm;  前鋒鉄水(metal front 鉄水頭)太冷. 

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大鑄件壞一件的損失金額, 有的可付吳老師1~2年 甚至3年的 顧問費.


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驟裂面, 輻射紋中心為破裂起始點. 為何從此處起裂? The answer is given to my customers only. 

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過渡區(transitional area)金相. color area is Martensite, white, Ferrite.

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台中COSCO 附近這家, 上次(1年半前) XX離合器片破裂, 雜音頗大, 給師傅檢查, 先換惰輪與皮帶後, 雜音還在 最後才判定是  離合器片破裂  換零件要價1.3萬, 且車子要 留兩天.  我說改天再來, 先把沒壞的惰輪與皮帶換回去, 還不肯, 說換上就不退了, 真是氣死我了. 折騰半天,最後是: 裝新的上去工資600, 換回我原來零件工資600, 付了1200 才脫身. 之後, 就一路殺到洲際棒球場旁這家(4:30 p.m.到), 詢價, 林老板開價11000. 第二天中午前交車. 就給他做了.  


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堆高機機油幫浦固定螺絲 疲勞斷裂(海灘紋特徵 清晰可見), 沒有了潤滑油的供應. 相關引擎零件整體燒壞報銷.

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FCD 450 作成白口鑄鉄了! 小工廠, 買到合金偏高的廢鋼而不自知.

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  • Oct 23 Tue 2012 21:40
  • ADI

ADI 是個一般機械從業人員較陌生的材料. 性能優異神奇. 很多需高韌性/耐磨性的場合 表現比合金鋼好很多.

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