Aged. Carbide phases (both primary and secondary) tinted purple, blue, green. Matrix of Austenite(沃斯田鉄) white to yellow.
- Dec 24 Thu 2009 20:00
310 耐熱鋼 HK
- Dec 23 Wed 2009 18:14
SNCM 440 casting
- Dec 20 Sun 2009 09:54
Cold work steel SKD 11
- Dec 19 Sat 2009 06:12
Notes for new users of CE_Meter
1. Be sure to test the iron melt before inoculation treatment. If you sample the inoculated iron melt of high CE value, you probably will not get a flat curve on the TE area. TE is used to calculate Si% and Si% is only correct if TE curve is flat. FC is calculated from CE, which, in turns, is calculated from TL, the first thermal arrest on the cooling curve. FC (CE) is always correct even if you get a wrong TE curve, that is to say that FC is dependent on TL only and is independent of TE.
- Dec 14 Mon 2009 13:44
Glass Mold 玻璃模
高溫退火過. 所以波來鉄有球粒化現象. Had been annealed at high temp, therefore you see spheroidization of Pearlite. Large carbide are tinted pink, mostly. Ti was added to promote D-type graphite. You can see many cubic particles of TiN.
- Dec 13 Sun 2009 08:24
玻璃模 Glass mold 未退火
鵝黃色部位為史帝田鉄. 此組織之尖角不利於玻璃模熱疲勞壽命. 降低磷含量就可減少 史帝田鉄 的數量. 高溫退火多少也可將尖銳角變圓鈍一點. Metallographic micrographes for a glass mold.
Ti is usually added to promote formation of finely dispersed D-type graphite flakes distribution which provide the glass mold with a longer thermal fatigue life.
- Dec 08 Tue 2009 09:41
冷模鋼 coldwork tool steel
- Dec 05 Sat 2009 20:42
經 高溫退火, 故波來鉄有球粒化現象. 紅色為碳化物. Was annealed at 900C, therefore its pearlite are partially spheroidized. Carbide particles are tinted.