灰鑄鐵的樹枝狀結晶 產生D-型石墨 因呈現方向性, 且石墨太微細, 周圍不易有波來鉄組織, 故會降低強度與耐磨性. 一般而言, 這是個不受歡迎的金相組織. 受歡迎(desirable)的金相組織是A-型石墨. D-型石墨 通常需極大的冷速 才會產生, 例如鑄件表面 與先鋒鉄水. 肉很厚的鑄件可不必耽心. 100X

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工件為脫蠟鑄件, 照片中的黑點為微縮孔. 組織為回火(低碳)麻田散鉄. 

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這是噴砂機鉄珠的金相照片. 白色長條狀的碳化鉄為初晶部份. 其餘部份為共晶(=碳化鉄+铁). Micrographes taken from cast iron shots .

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白色: 共晶部份: 粒滴斑鉄    暗色:初晶部份, 常溫下為 波來鉄.  White area: eutectic portion, called Ledeburite, a mixture of carbide + iron. Dark area: pro-eutectic portion, called dendrites of iron. At high temp, this iron is Austenite. At room temp, this iron is Pearlite which is a mixture of very fine carbide + Ferrite.

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傳統高速鋼, 碳化物數量很多, 韌性不是很好. 如果將碳化物減量,  可增加韌性, 但耐磨耗性會稍降. Decreasing the amount of carbide particles Increases toughness of steel at the expense of its wear resistance.

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