
TL at 1200, you get FC 250, TL at 1150, you get FC 150.

The height of TL dictates the FC numbers.  The height of white Eutectic plateau dictates the Si%. The length of this plateau tells the C%. 

初晶轉折點(TL)位置高低是材質高低的指標. 共晶平台(TE) 高低是Si%多少的指標; 長短是C%多少的指標.


下: 初晶溫度應在1處 但沒有水平線段, 電腦程式抓不到*. 2被誤認為初晶 所以FC才8.2而以, 其實應該是53.


註*: 吳老師要電腦抓"最高溫尖峰(Tmax)後的第一個水平線段"作為 初晶溫度(TL)

above: 1 is where TL should be. 2 is where TE should be. Very short TE plateau means very low C%.

below: Computer is not able to tell TE with this dome top of the curve.

below: Too low a Tmax in the cup will lead to a wrong TE plateau. 

Too little iron melt in the cup.

Too little tellurium dissolved in the cup leads to a wrong TE plateau.    



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