Cooling rate curve (green) is rugged (not smooth)----an indication of poor contact of cup to cup connector. This caused the entire cooling curve to drop 20~30 C, resulting in a much lower FC number than it should have been. Test results should be discarded.
Tmax 太低, 使得初晶判定困難. 目視判定: FC290~300.
下: Si 突然大幅增高, 冷卻速率曲線 又歪七扭八, 表示杯子接觸有問題. 整條曲線下降了20~25 C (FC 低 40 ~50) 遇此情況需重測一次. Below: A rugged cooling rate curve indicates poor contact of the cup to connector.
如下圖: 電腦偶爾也會犯錯, TE 抓錯位置 抓到TL位置.使得 Si 變成負數 這時 你要能以目視輔助判定 只要曲線正常就O.K. Below: computer software makes mistake occationally, and human judgment is needed then. For this instance,CEL3.91 & FC 252 is correct. C% and Si% are not. Since TE "plateau" of cooling curve is right between SiLo and SiHi, Si% should be somewhere between 1.50 and 1.80----1.65% in this case.